Upper School Yoga Club

The Upper School yoga club grew to a regular 11 members this term and the commitment shown by the members every Thursday from 3.15 - 4.15pm has led to good progress. With this age group, the aim is always to help the students get to know the basic shapes of a wide range of yoga asanas ("poses") but these students are also making great headway with alignment, direction and even stability in the asanas, as you can see from the photos. We have looked at how yoga can support the body with other sports training and how it can help with injuries. There is, of course, much more to yoga than just physical exercise and, always through the asanas, we have touched on some aspects of yoga philosophy, including "ahimsa" (non-violence) and its essential link to fearlessness. If we can be fearless in our yoga practice, trying and trusting new things that might not initially feel possible, maybe we can bring this, together with friendliness and controlling angry feelings, to our life beyond the yoga class. We are both thrilled to be able to work with these young people and look forward to continuing next term. New members from classes 9 - 12 are always welcome at any time. We wish you a peaceful Advent and hope you enjoy these photos where the students arranged the mats in an appropriate Advent star shape.
Iyengar yoga teachers Amit Berlowitz and Sarah Delfas