Class 3 Trip to Tablehurst Farm

Under the halcyon burn of autumn sun, Class 3 walked from school to Tablehurst Farm, where farmer Peter Brown - who has run the farm for 30 years, serving the community with all his energy - welcomed us.
It was an exceptionally fun day out. Baker Lily took us behind the scenes of the Fermento Bakery, adding to our knowledge of grinding flour from grain, and we saw the huge oven the bread is baked in.
We learned about both Jersey and Sussex cows and were amazed to find out that each time a Sussex cow gives birth, she naturally gains a ring on each horn.
We also visited the pigs and piglets and went inside the generous turkey pen. It was mesmerising and hilarious how the turkeys cackled in unison every time one of us whistled.
One of the highlights was being pulled by tractor on a trailer through Tablehurst’s many stunning fields.
Having seen so many sides to the farm, it is clear to me that this amazing project deserves all the support it can get. I hope that this trip can be an important starting point for more families connected to the school to engage with, visit and support the farm.
Biodynamic farming forms the bedrock of both our school gardens and Tablehurst, and the farm is the perfect place for our classes and families to visit. Peter’s love of sharing all that the farm offers was palpable, and we are truly grateful for his generosity of time and the fun learning experience he has given us.