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The Children's Forest at Michael Hall

Last month, Classes 1a and 4b gathered to plant wild, native fruit trees in the old orchard at the top of the cow path, our Michael Hall Children's Forest site.  

The vision of the Children's Forest project at Michael Hall is for the children to connect to the trees, to nature and to the community. Further to this, the intention is that this process of planting and tending will be a constructive and empowering activity that will sow seeds of hope for the future and support the understanding that humans are part of nature, not separate from it, and that we play a vital role in supporting it.  

Step 1: Imagining 

We started with a time in the woods on school grounds to deepen our connection to the future generations in our imagination, to help the children to feel the potential of the forest — to which they may return with their children and grandchildren. Dreaming into that possibility and bringing it to life, through story and craft. 

Both classes imagined the vibrant forest that would grow from the trees we would plant. Each child painted the tree that they would plant along with the animals and plants that they imagined would grow with it. We made a miniature forest out of tree cuttings planted in soil; made clay animals and humans to inhabit the forest. Once the forest was planted and full of life, we lit a candle to represent the children’s fire in the middle.  

Step 2: Planting 

On Thursday 25th April Classes 1a and 4b gathered to plant wild, native fruit trees in the old orchard at the top of the cow path, our Michael Hall Children's Forest site.  

The day began by meeting the Children’s Forest team, Anna Richardson, Ellie Fuller and Jack Durtnall. We shared gratitude and became familiar with the planting site by playing nature games there.  

Then, the fire at the centre of the Children's Forest was lit with intention and the children wrote their wishes for the future of the forest on birch bark scrolls. The children planted two circles of trees around the fire, aligned to the directions. Each tree was planted collaboratively by two children joyously, nestling their wish scrolls beneath the tree roots. After having watered their trees, they danced and sang to the newly planted forest.  

We will return to the site regularly to tend to our young forest.  

We sing our blessings to the trees,  

May golden Sun shine through your leaves. 

May rain fall clear, and fair winds blow,  

That ancient forest here may grow.